Kodi Jarvis 16.1 and modded graphic drivers for windows 10

I am new at this posting here, not sure if this problem has been brought up, so forgive me if it has. Maybe someone can lead me in the right direction for Ive been dealing with it for countless hours for a month now.

I have a 6715 b HP lap top AMD Turion 64×2 Mobile technology TL-58 1.90 GHz Ram 4.00 GB 64 bit operating system, x64 based processor ATI Radeon Xpress 1250 MT690 chip set.

I had no issues on windows 7 running Kodi 16.1 Jarvis. I upgraded to windows 10. Through windows 10 I received Microsoft basic driver in which is poor but ran Kodi 16.1 Jarvis with a very delayed mouse arrow only when kodi is running. AMD does not support my graphics any more so no update of driver. I am also running an external VGA Monitor WestingHouse LCM 22w3. After much research and stumbling across Digital Flem Mod, I was able to take old legacy drivers 10.2 and mod basic display for outstanding graphics, I also have a modded Monitor driver for LCM 22w3.

I ran DirectX setup to be sure everything is up to date. Driver runs (Device working properly) I must mention that I have to go through unsigned protocols for the drivers are not digitally signed. Ray with Flem mod has been helping me through his support on his Modded web site and made me a Custom modded driver in hopes to get Kodi 16.1 running for he tested with an old graphics but not the same.

He shows in screen shot of directX feature levels 9_1 9_2 9_3, in everything I do with modded drivers I can only get feature level 9_1 9_2 in directx windows 10. Not sure its a feature level in Directx problem, I just know the regular legacy driver 10.2 worked fine with Kodi 16.1 in windows 7.

I nor Ray know whats up here now. I would love to keep Windows 10 and modded sub perb graphics rather than crappy microsoft basic drivers. I just downloaded Instegrad 15.2 and it works fine with modded set up. However I will not be able to be up to date with Kodi and all it offers through builds ect. Why or what is it that is causing Jarvis 16.1 not to run? What could I possibly be missing? I even went to windows store to download and received Krypton thinking it would work this way. No success. When I run Kodi 16.1 and above all I get is the blue bubbled screen with an Exception error on exiting. No way to get into the settings of kodi menus. So I went back to basic driver to run Kodi and tried to disable DXVA2 and then uploaded modded driver and started Kodi to no success. Not sure what to do at this point. Can someone here help with this issue. I hope I explained and gave enough information for understanding. Thank You