Replacing or Hiding Rating Info on Main Menu [Estuary]

Hello! I did a search for this but couldn’t find anything related to the new Estuary skin, so apologies if this has been covered already:

I’m probably in the minority on this one, but I prefer not to have a movie’s aggregate rating prominently displayed, both because I like to judge a movie on its own merits and because it heads off tedious arguments about why we’re watching the 7 movie when we could be watching the 8. I like that with the new skin the movie listings just have the Name/Year outside of the Recent Added section (the rating is in the Info section, which is fine!) but it’s still there when you mouse over the movie’s poster image on the main mean (7.0/1976) and so I thought it might be nice if that rating could be optionally either hidden or replaced with something like genre info or running length (Action/1976). To be clear, an incredibly small niggle on an otherwise amazing tool, and if anyone even has a quickie workaround that’s fine as well. Thanks in advance!