Hi everybody,
I noticed that on the Kodi Windows Store page there are various comments concerning the fact that the store version has some problems with add-ons installation and they attribute it to Microsoft trying to prevent people from installing illegal software.
Truth is I encountered this problem too and after analyzing my log and discussing the problem with the addon’s programmer I understood the problem happens when, after installing the plugin, it needs to install its own repository too. Now, the plugin get the profile path by kodi and it installs itself in the right folder, the repository, instead, asks kodi where the plugin was installed and tries to do the same in that folder.
Now the problem is Kodi tells the repository that the plugin is located in “C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons” and after it tries to install itself there, there is an access denied error, when instead the plugin, like every other is located in “C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Packages\XBMCFoundation.Kodi_4n2hpmxwrvr6p\LocalCache\Roaming\Kodi\addons”.
Is there a way to fix that, since googling around I found out it’s a common problem among a lot of addons? Is it maybe you forgot to consider the folder switch situation on the store’s version of kodi?
Thanks a lot for considering this supposition