Any future plans for 10-bit H264 support?

10-bit H264 playback through MediaCodec Surface is supported on Rockchip RK3229 and future RK3328 & RK3399 devices.
But 10-bit H264 is disabled in Kodi by default.

By removing this code and recompiling Kodi 17 then 10-bit H264 is working properly.…#L424-L430

     case AV_CODEC_ID_CAVS:
     case AV_CODEC_ID_H264:
-      switch(hints.profile)
-      {
-        case FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_10:
-        case FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_10_INTRA:
-          // No known h/w decoder supporting Hi10P
-          return false;
-      }
       m_mime = "video/avc";
       m_formatname = "amc-h264";
       // check for h264-avcC and convert to h264-annex-b

With CPU playback it is using 100% CPU usage, with Mediacodec(S) acceleration and the code removed it is only using 30% CPU usage and playing smoothly as tested on a RK3229.

Since most Android devices can’t even play it with the CPU why not remove it so devices supporting it by hardware can play it?
Devices like PC’s don’t use Mediacodec acceleration and won’t be affected.
Or a different solution to keep it disabled by default but with an extra menu setting it can be enabled by users that know what it is and have the right hardware to support it.

Just a suggestion.
I know in the past it was said 10-bit h264 won’t be coming to Kodi.