Kodi + touchscreen (problem with “clicks”)

Hi. Recently I bought a Raspberry Pi 3 and LCD with capacitive touchscreen 7″ 800*480. In raspbian woks fine without problem, but when I tried to use in Kodi start the problem. The touchscreen works, it is calibrated etc but when i tried to do “click” kodi “thinks” i move the mouse so it doesnt click only move the pointer to the place and i need 3 or 4 clicks to open anything. I only have this problem in kodi.

I tried to hardcode mousetweaks when i do one click mousetweaks do 3 or 4 clicks but doesnt work in kodi. I read in somewhere X’s confgs doesnt works in Kodi so i think this is my problem with this “solution”

OSMC and LibrElec doesnt have native support to touchscreen

I want to solve this because is a Car PC project and is very weird if I need 4 clicks to change the song xD

Thank you!

PS: Sorry if i dont have a good english, is not my native lang ^^