Raspberry Pi – Quality on Larger Files

Hey guys, just a quick question for you Rasp Pi users… how is it for big files on a big screen?

I’ve looked around online, and few people I’ve seen comment about it, were people with smaller files on smaller screens. I know from using Win7x64 and a PC, when I comb through the forums, quite often I see the ‘fix’ for issues usually ends up being to get a better video card, better CPU etc… which is why I wonder about the Raspberry Pi 3 verB. Pretty limited hardware wise, but also runs a totally different OS so, not sure what to expect.

My main computer (signature) holds all the files. I have a small Dell desktop PC in the living room which runs great as a player. I was debating adding another KODI box on another TV and was debating another used DELL or maybe a Raspberry Pi.

So, running small SD files on a small 10″ screen apparently works fine, but what if I was trying to play a 4GB HVEC/x265 DTS5.1 file on a 40″ TV? Would the Raspberry Pi work? or would I get major eye strain watching it stutter and jitter constantly?
