Terribly slow playback of recording


I just installed LibreELEC 7.0.2 and Tvheadend 4.1.1945 on my PVR machine. Recording works perfectly, timeshift seems to work ok. Live TV is perfect. However, recordings are terribly slow when using Kodi to play recordings under the TV menu or under Video menu as a video file. Same recordings are perfectly playable when being played from Tvheadend web interface.

I tested this using Kodi 16.1 running on my Cubox (also running LibreELEC 7.0.2) and Kodi 16.1 running on my x86 laptop (Windows 7). Using the laptop I can play the recordings perfectly using VLC from the Tvheadend interface. When I try the same recording using Kodi, it stutters, chops, stops, basically can’t be played because the file is being loaded VERY slowly. If I pause the playback, I can see the buffer load but it is incredibly slow. I don’t know the actual speed but I would estimate it is 1 MB/s or less.

Does anyone know what the problem is? If the files play fine from Tvheadend interface then it can’t be the computer speed or network speed (and live TV plays fine). I want to add that accessing the PVR machine using Windows to see the files and try to play them is also extremely slow. Maybe these two issues are connected. Could it be that Kodi is using SMB to access Tvheadend recordings folder and play the recordings and that SMB is somehow slow on the PVR machine?

Any help is appreciated. It looks to be a simple solution somewhere but I do not know as much about how the recordings are physically streamed in Kodi to fix the problem. By the way, I did read many other people with similar/same problem and also people having similar/same error messages in Kodi log.