VIDEO_TS gets scraped multiple times

Hey guys,

hopefully someone can help me with this issue. I wanted to use my existing library with another device but discovered a problem:

When i add my movies to this new installation of Kodi, all of my ripped DVDs are getting added multiple times – so every *.VOB file gets an own entry in Kodi.

I’ve already set the option “combine split video items” but unfortunately it didn’t change anything. I also tried different Kodi Versions (16.1 and 17) but that didn’t change anything.

The structure of my DVDs is for example:

/96 Hours/

I’m a little bit surprised to have this problem, because i have an existing Installation (v16.1) which has an libraby without seperate entries for every *.VOB file. Since this is an old installation which i kept updating since xbmc 10 i think, maybe the DB would also be corrupted there if i would start from scratch?!

Is there anything i could do? It would be a pain in the a** to convert all of my DVDs to MKVs or something like that :/