AudioDSP Disabled

Hi community,

at first I have to say sorry. I did a mistake and merged AudioDSP to early into the official Kodi repository. Most of the platforms simply crash in an inexplicable behavior. This could make you sad or explode your ears Undecided, which is quite bad if you wanna enjoy your media content.
Because of that we officially don’t ship AudioDSP binary add-ons for the V17 Krypton final release version.
Another reason was that I didn’t had enough spare time to fix all platforms and test them enough.
At some point I was very far in development of my new test add-on. It has a nice code base, which allows me to implement new processing modes in much less time than what I had before. If I have the fully functional algorithm it’s just 3-4 hours of work for a ready prototype. Furthermore this code base can be used for new add-ons in a seamless way.
But then I noticed very painfully that AudioDSP isn’t ready for such a nice add-on code base. I tried to work around the limitations of the software architecture of AudioDSP and did some fixes. But it wasn’t very successful.
I was very frustrated, because I wanted to implement features like custom modes (you could define a fixed filter in the UI) or make it possible to use modes multiple times.
Long story short answer, I stopped the development and went back to my desk to find new ideas. In the end I started to rewrite some parts of AudioDSP, but currently don’t have anything that the community could use.
Another issue is the usability, most of the people I tried to explain or show AudioDSP, wasn’t able to use it.Tongue

I can’t say when AudioDSP will be officially available agian, but I’m sure you will notify it here in the subforum.
So please do have a little patience until I did my rework of AudioDSP. Hopefully with success so that we will have new features and a better code base to maintain.