fresh music db built but possibly missing info?

Hi Dave and everyone else,

I know this maybe be more to do with the universal music scraper, which I had assigned when doing a fresh new build, but I’ve found that after the build has completed I am missing basic information like Artists bio or album review. When entering ‘I’ it is either blank or says no review for this album but if I click on refresh and wait then it refreshes and suddenly displays the artists bio or album review, of course where they exist.

Now, I’ve done a ‘query info for all artists’ and let that run but still no artist info and again I do a refresh and it’s there?

So, is there a problem here or just something to do with my setup? Also is it possible somehow to get the info into Kodi without doing a manual refresh on every artist and album?

Anyone else had this or any other issue with bios / reviews not displaying in the info screen until a manual refresh?

