MySQL for storage over VPN to home?

Here’s my set up:

1. 1Gb internet connection (1Gb up, 1Gb down)
2. Server with media located at home, fully web accessible with VPN, FTP and ssh enabled. MySQL installed and tested
3. PC in living room, windows, with Kodi installed
4. PC in bedroom with Kodi installed
5. Travel PC with Kodi installed

ALL 3 PC’s I’ve added the
two files sources.xml and advanced settings.xml

the two home based PC’s work great.. woo.

But on my travel PC I login to my VPN at home and can easily navigate to my server

in my sources xml I’ve my externally facing IP address (well, address)
I can connect to my sql via phpMyAdmin installed on my server and ssh… so I know it’s there and working.

When I boot Kodi on my travel PC and navigate to any media, it says that the network location cannot be found.. I’ve confirmed it is correct and if I go to windows explorer, that same network address works fine.

So my question(s)..

I can access media over my VPN.. but Kodi cannot.. what am I missing?
The other 2 PCs both can see and interact with the MySQL database to get media.

I’m only 1 user and have no need for multiple accounts.



I just added the sources again and it worked…
HOWEVER….. in my MySQL I’m referencing the X:\path and not \\mymediaserer path..

So I guess it’s not worked… unless I update my two PCs at home to ref X:\ and not \\myservername

Sucks, but do-able