Sorry if this is a ridiculous question but I don’t know much about computers (my BIL installed Kodi for me) and all of a sudden this afternoon when we were trying to watch a movie on Kodi suddenly my Windows desktop picture became a border around my Kodi screen and even when the movie was on we still couldn’t get rid of the border. I tried maximizing the screen and all that did was push the picture to fill up to the edges of the sides of the screen but not the top and the bottom of the screen – I still can see all the windows stuff at the bottom of the screen and a narrow band (which identifies KODI and has the minimise and maximize and close buttons) at the top of the screen.
Can someone here please help me get rid of this desktop border?
Many thanks if you can.
I joined this group because I don’t know where to turn for help and I tried looking it up on Google and couldn’t find anything.