next PVR encountered an error on startup

Hi all,
Hopefully this is the correct location for this… If not please advise and I can either get it moved or delete/repost.

So I have recently installed kodi 17 b2 from the windows app store and everything is working great, however I had an error this morning on startup which I think I know the root cause for, but not sure how to fix..
Situation :
My PVR server is set to sleep after 10 minutes of inactivity, it is kept alive if any Kodi clients are on (homebrew script).
I then use advanced wake on LAN to wake the PC up from the kodi client to ensure that I can use nextPVR.
On 16 this worked and I saw no errors, it simply showed no PVR client / guide until the machine had woken, then it started downloading the guide / channels and loaded back into the last channel I was watching, perhaps a 10 second lag from startup to channel… Acceptable for saving the power when we are not watching TV.
On 17 the advanced wake on LAN is firing correctly (I see that the server turns on), but the plugin does not seem to like waiting for the server to turn on and pops up an error, if I then close kodi and reopen it works as expected, but does not have the WAF as before.
As an FYI I also have the same setup with another server, which runs Plex and the plexconnect plugin (3rd party rep) still works as expected. So it does not appear to be a wholesale change in kodi, rather an inconsistent plugin handling where is expects the PVR server to be on at all times.
Have others experienced this?

I will post logs shortly (just sorting breakfast for child).
Fyi it was a upgrade install from kodi 16 to 17b2 via the windows app store, I have since uninstalled kodi 16 (as 17b2 seems nicer and wife really likes the skin), if needed I do a fresh install on another machine (full wipe of kodi and install 17b2) to see if I get the same error – currently only one machine is running 17b2.
