Help with locking locking down the UI

I’m trying to setup a kiosk that will be located in a public area, used to display some 600+ sort informational videos. The idea is that someone could walk up to this scroll through or search for a video title and then watch the video they selected.

Because of this I don’t want the user to be able access any of the settings and ideally I’d like to limit the ui to only show video files within a specific folder on a USB drive and nowhere else/no other options.

Currently I’ve got a Pi3 with OSMC running the default Estuary theme. I’ve added a secondary user and setup a master lock to prevent that user from accessing settings and I’ve removed all of the main menu options except video and I have video as the starting screen.

This setup is pretty good ( like the maroon color scheme available, I like the automatic thumbnail generation, and once you’re in the correct folder the list is clear and easy to navigate) but there are still a few things that I’d like to fix.

1. After boot up you still need to select “Files”-> My video folder in order to get to the list of videos and then the the user can still navigate out of this folder selecting the “..” option. Ideally I’d like it to start in that folder and not allow the user to leave.

2. More troubling is the fact that the user can go back to the main menu where there is a “My OSMC” option where there are some overclocking, networking and other options that are not locked out by the master password. obviously I don’t want users to access this.

3. Less important is that in the video list after the title of the video it lists the file size “256MB” I’d like to either replace this with the video length “2 minutes” or simply remove it all together. This is rather minor though.

I’ve done a lot of pouring over the settings and reading the wiki and haven’t found a way to do any of this. Is there a straight forward way to accomplish these things? if so could you link me to an appropriate resource or guide?

If this isn’t possible with the Estuary theme is there a better theme option that works well on the Pi and will be more in line with what I’m trying to do?

Any help in fixing these last few things would be greatly appreciated, Thanks Smile