Windows/Android Version Compatibility

So everything was running great with v13.2 on my Win7 server and 4.2.2 Android devices (and Win7 Laptops) so I didn’t bother upgrading to newer versions not wanting to upset the apple cart.

However my hand was forced when we got new Samsung tablets running Android 7.0. I tried side-loading v13.2 again but was informed that it wasn’t compatible with the new tablets…something about NEON, whatever that is.

I loaded 16.x and had sound problems, it was slower than a glacier loading my library, and wasn’t including the last (maybe 5) couple of entries as well.

After I played around with Plex for a bit 17.0 came out and I loaded that. Same issues. While I’m not crazy about Plex, at least it works and if I can’t find a solution soon I’ll just use Plex on the tablets and stay at 13.2 for everything else.

I started thinking that maybe my problem could be caused because my server is still 13.2 and there may be some compatibility issue involved. My 13.2 laptops still work great and I am reluctant to change the server unless it really has to be done…mainly because it works great and I like the PM3.HD skin. The advancedsettings.xml and sources.xml are the same across all devices. I’m still running mySQL 5.5.31 on the server

Question: Is there a KNOWN compatibility issue between various versions? Yeah, I know it’s probably best to run the latest version but my experience with 16.x and 17.0 have not been that good and 13.2 has been bulletproof until the new tablets with Android 7 plus I just use it for movies and TV series…very vanilla.

Thanks for any insight.