tvtunes skin compatibility questions

Hi guys, i’m here again with some questions about tvtunes. hope this is the right place to put these questions because this is about skin compatibility with an add-on

I have 3 questions
1 – when i’m on the dialogVideoInfo, I have a button that goes to the script extendedinfo (moviesDB) that already is skinned. the problem is that when I go to the actor page on the extended info the theme stops. on the wiki the author of the tvtunes talks about something like that
on the home page I added

PHP Code:


that didn’t work
so I added this to the extendedinfo skinning xml files

PHP Code:
<onload condition="!IsEmpty(ListItem.TvShowTitle)">SetProperty("TvTunesSupported""TvShows")</onload>
onload condition="IsEmpty(ListItem.TvShowTitle)">SetProperty("TvTunesSupported""Movies")</onload>
onload condition="Skin.HasSetting(ActivateTvTunes) + System.HasAddon(script.tvtunes)">XBMC.RunScript(script.tvtunes,backend=True)</onload

This didn’t work either.
How can make it work on the extendedinfo pages?

2 – How can I disable the musicOSD and visualization when I go back and the theme song is still in fade out?

3 – How can I disable Tvtunes when I’m playing music?

Thanks for the help in advance
Best Regards