Four Questions

I switched from EMM to TMM a couple of months ago, and thus far love it. And I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store for v.3, especially with editions.

A few questions:

1. Is there a way to just refresh the TMDB number? Most of my movies were originally scraped with EMM, and don’t have one, but I don’t want to change images or other metadata.

2. Is there a way to just refresh one movie rather than a whole data source? For example, when I find a trailer and add it to an existing movie, in EMM you can highlight that movie and press F5, but none of the right-click menu options for that movie appear to do this.

3. Any chance of adding pasting of images?

4. What is the interplay between a downloaded trailer and one in the NFO? For example, I have a movie with a trailer URL listed in the NFO, but a downloaded trailer I added to the folder after the initial scraping. I want to make sure that the downloaded trailer is the “official” one which Kodi uses.

Thanks, Carl.