How do I add additional add-ons in Kodi 2.16.1


I have installed Kodi linux version 2.16.1 on my Ubuntu laptop but the only PVR add-on available is MythTv. Kodi on my Windows machine has 20 PVR add-ons you can choose from. I need to load MediaPortal PVR add-on. How do I do this?

I see here Category:All_add-ons (wiki) a list of all add-ons but going to the list takes to information on how to configure each add-on but not where to download or how to install.
I have not been enable to find a way within Kodi to add new add-ons just limited to choosing what is in the My Add-ons list which in my case is just a single PVR add-on?

Is it correct that each installation of Kodi provides a different set of usable PVR add-ons?