I use latest stabile LibreELEC (Krypton) v8.0.0 on a Zotac Zbox CI 520 with HDMI direct to my TV my settings are:
Adjust display refresh rate On start/stop
Sync playback to display yes
Resolution 1920x1080p (TV is a Philips UHD max Resolution in settings what can i chose are 3840x2160p)
Refresh Rate 60 (My options in settings are 23,98 / 24.00 / 25.00 / 29.97 /30.00 / 50.00 / 59.94 / 60.00)
Now when i playback a file with :
File 23.98 TV says 23.98 = ok
File 25.00 TV says 50.00 = false ? (when i select Adjust display refresh rate OFF and set refresh rate to 25.00 at playback TV shows 25 = okay )
File 29.97 TV says 60.00 = false ? (when i select Adjust display refresh rate OFF and set refresh rate to 29.97 at playback TV shows 30 = okay)
Am I doing something wrong in my settings ,or is it something else.
If you ned a debug log or something eles let me know !!!
Edit: Files have resolution 1280×720 and 1920×1080 If relevant!!!
Edit 2 : I have test files with 3840x2160p and 30.00 frames it play correct TV Shows 30 !!!! (its the maximum of my frames HDMI 1.4)