I’m unable to find the XBMC for Windows.sln file

It’s really starting to get embarrasing, but I’m just left confused.

I’ve forked and cloned XBMC, I’ve gone through all the steps here: HOW-TO_compile_XBMC_for_Windows_from_source_code (wiki) and I’ve been able to build Kodi from master, install and run it.
But, I am unable to find the “XBMC for Windows.sln” file which is mentioned under Part 5 in the link I mentioned.
I did find some reference to it in run-tests.bat, but appart from that, nothing. (Trying to run run-tests.bat results in the scripts exiting at once with no feeback)

Am I just stupid, is the guide old, or is something wrong here?

Edit: Just a note, I do not have any VS2010Express folder which the guide says is where the file is located.