Isn’t This Supposed To Be Fun?

Hi All,

When I started developing addons for Kodi, it was fun! I like a technical challenge and having a go at something new. I have worked together with some great people over the years I’ve been developing addons. I’ve even enjoyed giving support to users and fixing any bugs or adding features to existing addons that people request, and in some cases even creating new addons to solve a requirement/problem. (Writing the documentation for the addons has been less fun – but who likes writing documentation?)

The key bit is that it has to be fun, and unfortunately, it’s not anymore – the writing of addons is still fun, having to deal with the Kodi team is less so! I’m not going to enter into a constant battle creating addon support threads for them to just be trashed without reason, discussion or warning.

Without the threads – there can be no support, and without support, there is not really a workable addon for people (or a way for them to find it).

So, I’m going to step back from Kodi development – the reason – it’s not fun anymore.

I’m sure that there will be (as there already has) lots of discussion that between them @ronie and @martijn have “made is impossible for me to support my addons”. However I don’t see it as just their fault. Instead I would say that the “Kodi Team” as a whole (that is anyone with “Team-Kodi Member” under their name in the forum) that has been the cause of it no longer being enjoyable.

Why the whole team? Well let me digress … going back to the 1970’s in the UK, the Police force were seen by many as being corrupt, it was “the police force” grouped together, not individuals. Obviously there were only a handful of police officers that were actually corrupt – but the other police offers knew about it, and did nothing to intervene to correct things and voice their opinions.

Yes, this is an extreme case (and we are not talking about the Kodi team being corrupt), but I see the responsibility of the Kodi Team as the same, if one or two people are behaving as they have, then other members should publicly either post in support – or raise concerns about how the other team member is behaving.

I would like to thank everyone who has posted messages of support on the forum, and all the PM’s of support recently. I will leave my repo running with all the addons, so it will be there for everyone still – but I guess new users will not be finding it.

If anyone in the Kodi team would like to post the reason for @ronie’s recent trashing of all my threads – maybe it’s time for some of the quieter Kodi Team members to start explaining @ronie’s actions. At least everyone will have some idea then – at the moment no-one knows (there is no longer the mutagen name clash). If the threads were trashed in error – then please restore them.

I would urge everyone involved in the project – make sure you are having fun – otherwise, why are you doing it?

