Kodi live tv without backend

Is there any way to configure kodi to view / record live tv (ie DVB-T) without a backend. I’ve looked at both tvheadend and myth and found them impossible to configure due to unnecessarily complex setups, extremely poor support and lack of comprehensive documentation. Those things are abortions suited only to people without a life. Not all of us wish to spend every waking hour tinkering with crap software. Whilst I really want to avoid anything to do with Windoze, I suspect I’ll have no option but to resort to MCE as it is at least user-friendly. I seriously doubt that any tvheadend or Myth type has ever contended with the WAF issue because they would be permanently relegated to the doghouse if they inflicted their software on SWAMBO. Kodi is at least halfway logical but .it is held back considerably by its ‘apparent’ reliance on garbage like tvheadend and Myth. Surely it shouldn’t be necessary to fall back on a Windoze backend simply to get Kodi talking to a live tv channel. Even the folk at Redmond managed to get MCE working without a stupid database..