Is there a comprehensive Add-on List?


I just installed the latest version of Kodi on Windows. The interface seems to have changed (not for the better INMHO) but there still seems to be no sensible way of managing add-ons. Am I missing something?

I’m only interested in using Kodi for Video Add-ons. But when I install most of them they seem to fail. I then get a message telling me to look in the log. When I try to look in the log I just see “top-level” messages that mean nothing at all to me. For example, iPlayer tells me it needs some input stream dependancy but I have no idea what this means. What am I meant to do here?

I installed some Canadian Video Add-ons but I just get a failure message when I try to run them. This message again tells me to look in the log file but I see nothing about this when I attempt to do so.

With other Video Add-ons I seem to have to scroll through a massive list of these with no real indication of what they are. There does not even seem to be anyway of telling what language they are in. Is there some sensible list somewhere?

When I do manage to get a Video Add-on to display work I seem to be presented with one folder after another to scroll through. When I eventually get to a video I want to watch I again get a failure. This again tells me to look in the log file where I find nothing.

I’m not sure what I am missing here. Why is the Kodi team including so many Add-ons that have no adequate description (not even basic information), require screen after screen to be browsed and then fail anyway?

It seems to me that all Add-ons should be required to provide adequate information. This should include the category the belong to such as tech, news, travel, film etc. They should also be required to at least say which language they are in. The Kodi interface could then be changed to allow the user to select the language they want to watch and then choose the category they want watch. Without this Kodi has become almost unuseable in my view. Does anyone else agree?

If there is a comprehensive list somewhere could someone please point me in that direction?

BTW, where did the CBS News add-on go?

Many thanks,
