context menu manage tags

here is an addon that will put a new item under the manage context menu for movies and tvshows.

my motivation was to separate our massive collections into 4 sections, for the wife, kid, me, and the whole family. the current system is far too cumbersome. i built this for me, but perhaps others might like it too.

what it does
– pulls a list of tags currently in the db
( this implies you have all the tags you need already in place )
– compares that with those of the item currently selected
– presents a multi-select box to modify the selection
– saves your selections back into the DB

– perhaps add the ability to create new tags ?

grab the zip from gitHub or have a look at the source

PS. this is a true testament to the Infinite monkey theorem or my google-fu. i am not a python guru, nor even a novice, but through trail and error i made it work. please be gentle with the constructive criticism Big Grin