Reinstall exodus

First off a big hi to all, I’m brand new to the Kodi forum and brand new to kodi, I’m here because I spent hours last night trying to figure out how to reinstall exodus after uninstalling it trying to fix the problem I was having, basically it wouldn’t play and I was receiving error messages so I went on YouTube as a complete noob and followed the steps to uninstall then reinstall, problem is when I get back to install from zip, I then click fusion, kodi-repos, nothings happening, at this point I should get the option to choose English then follow a few more steps to reinstall it but it doesn’t move from that page, just goes to an arrow pointing up, I’ve even tried installing it from scratch using the addy http:// blar blar blar and typing in fusion in the password promt to no avail, I’m guessing I’m running the latest version because it was built in Feb 17, I can’t seem to find what version because the system info tab that should be under system is not there at all, I’m
Just going round in circlesand it’s completely blown my tiny mind, a quick roundhouse to the tv followed by a spinning elbow seems like a great option, but I thought I’d try and get some help through an evil genius which I’m sure will be on this forum somewhere. pleased to meet you all and thanks in advance