Library Issue

Sorry, not sure if this is the correct spot for this….

I’ve noticed an issue in the library that’s new (for me) to 17. I recently had to rescan my entire library (didn’t have a backup), and remarking any videos I’ve already seen as watched is now a gigantic pain the ass. If I mark a video as watched, regardless of where it is in the library (meaning top/middle/bottom of the list), the cursor (highlight?) will jump all the way to the top of the list, and I’ll have to scroll back down to where I was to continue. This only occurs if the library is set to not display watched videos; it happens on every skin, so I know it’s not a skin issue. I first noticed it with 17.0, and it’s still occurring with 17.1. Never had a problem with it before.

Is there a setting I’m missing? Or is it something that needs to be fixed?
