A Little Coding Help Please…

posted this in the estuary section and was told i might get better help/results in this section…..

question 1:

i would like the size of the focused poster to be extra large as shown below (mad max), which is easy to do, but how do i make it so the extra large focused movie poster overlaps the unfocused posters below it, in the the same manner it overlaps the unfocused posters above it?

[Image: x01.jpg]


i’ve created custom widgets for the main movie page but can’t get background fanart to appear when i focus on a movie poster….

for example, from my home.xml file: this code (kodi stock / built in) shows background fanart when a poster in the “movie sets” widget row is highlighted, i.e. it works as it should:

<include content=”WidgetListPoster”>
<param name=”content_path” value=”videodb://movies/sets/”/>
<param name=”widget_target” value=”videos”/>
<param name=”sortby” value=”random”/>
<param name=”list_id” value=”5600″/>

[Image: x02.jpg]

this is also from my home.xml file: a custom widget, but background fanart doesn’t display when a movie poster in its widget row (family movies) is highlighted, the background remains the same as my default background:

<include content=”WidgetListPoster”>
<param name=”content_path” value=”special://skin/playlists/family_movies.xsp”/>
<<param name=”widget_target” value=”videos”/>
<param name=”sortby” value=”random”/>
<param name=”list_id” value=”5227″/>

[Image: x03.jpg]

so why does the “movie sets” widget, which is a stock / built in kodi widget, display background fanart on focus yet custom widgets don’t? both codes are in the same file (home.xml), both codes are in the same group within the file, yet one works while the other doesn’t (in terms of displaying background fanart when focused, all other functions work perfectly fine when a poster from a custom widget is highlighted).

of course the difference between the two codes is the “content path value”, the kodi stock / built in code (movie sets) is pulled from the “videodb” while the custom widget (family movies) is pulled from a custom xsp file…. that said, when using a stock / built in kodi widget that references a stock / built in xsp file in the content path, for example “unwatched movies” everything works fine, background fanart is displayed correctly on focus:

<include content=”WidgetListPoster”>
<param name=”content_path” value=”special://skin/playlists/unwatched_movies.xsp”/>
<param name=”widget_header” value=”Unwatched “/>
<param name=”widget_target” value=”videos”/>
<param name=”list_id” value=”5300″/>

so you would think my problem lies in the custom xsp file, but i don’t think it does, the custom xsp file and the kodi stock / built in xsp file are pretty much identical:

custom xsp file:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes” ?>
<smartplaylist type=”movies”>
<name>Family movies</name>
<rule field=”genre” operator=”contains”>
<!– <order direction=”descending”>random</order> –>

kodi stock / built in xsp file:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes” ?>
<smartplaylist type=”movies”>
<name>Unwatched movies</name>
<rule field=”playcount” operator=”is”>
<order direction=”descending”>random</order>

question 3:

how can i change the size of the mediaflags? are they ping files that need to be replaced with larger ones? i’ve tried playing around with mediaflag fonts i’ve come across in xml files, as well height and width sizes, but all they seem to do is reposition the media flags as opposed to changing their sizes..

[Image: x04.jpg]

thank you very much in advance for any help you might be able to provide!