Deinterlace 1080i local video

I’m trying to find a good way to deinterlace 1080i videos on my Samsung Galaxy S3. MX Player doesn’t provide deinterlace method, so I tried Kodi on my phone. I disabled Mediacodec (Surface) and enabled the Bob deinterlace method, and the video seems fine, but I can see the horizontal lines on some scenes (see sample screenshots). Mostly on the lower middle screen I can see (even if MUCH LESS) horizontal lines. There are other ways to deinterlace a local video with Kodi, keeping HW acceleration? Or can you suggest me a way to do this without recode the file in 1080p?

This is a sample video: it’s been played in this way:

[Image: mrte7l.png]
[Image: 2q09gqo.png]

Thank you!