Has no audio,while playing upnp video.

I use the latest kodi to play upnp video.
It is ok, while begining.
But after a while,there is no audio to hear.

Some log as follows:

03-31 07:06:47.778 V/Kodi    ( 6995): Debug Print: Previous line repeats 1959 times.
03-31 07:06:47.779 V/Kodi    ( 6995): Debug Print: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
03-31 07:06:47.779 V/Kodi    ( 6995): Debug Print: VideoPlayer: eof, waiting for queues to empty
03-31 07:06:47.779 V/Kodi    ( 6995): Debug Print: Closing stream player 1
03-31 07:06:47.779 V/Kodi    ( 6995): Debug Print: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::WaitUntilEmpty
03-31 07:06:47.780 V/Kodi    ( 6995): Debug Print: Waiting for audio thread to exit
03-31 07:06:47.781 V/Kodi    ( 6995): Debug Print: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true
03-31 07:06:47.781 V/Kodi    ( 6995): Debug Print: thread end: CVideoPlayerAudio::OnExit()
03-31 07:06:47.782 V/Kodi    ( 6995): Debug Print: Closing audio device