Apologies if this got covered already; if so, I couldn’t find it.
I’m running Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 on a HTPC that is doubling as a LAMP/Samba server, so I do not want any desktop installed. I’m trying to read up on installing Kodi so I don’t run into any headaches, and ran into some confusion with this How-To: HOW-TO:Autostart_Kodi_for_Linux (wiki) . In particular, where it says to never ever run Kodi without a window manager.
With that in mind, my ultimate goal is to have Kodi automatically run on bootup with no need to reach for a keyboard to log in or get past any window manager prompts. Do I still need a window manager?
Is there a step-by-step guide for how to install Kodi on Ubuntu Server 16.04 so it works like this?