Audio Passthrough option not showing in Mac OS Sierra

Hi guys,

I hope you’re all having a beautiful day.

I m having a hard time here trying to setup 5.1 sound in Kodi.
I m running mac Os 10.12.3 on mac pro 2013 and outputting 5.1 through my Motu ultralite mk3 device, which is configured in both 2.0 and 5.1 in the audio midi setup of mac os.
Also in the video player, it says it s sending 5.1 AAC, but i get only stereo coming out.
I was going to adjust the audio passthrough in Kodi like suggested in the forums, but sadly this setting is invisible here.
[Image: Screen%20Shot%202017-04-09%20at%2000.45.51.png]

and the rest displaying number of channels: 2.0 as advised in the other posts

[Image: Screen%20Shot%202017-04-09%20at%2000.59.44.png]
If any of you know what to do, i could use the help Smile

Thanks and allll the best!