Requirements for home media server with KODI

Hi there!

I’m new to KODI. I’m planing to set up a central home media server for our home network. A neat but high priced machine for this can be the Technisat DigiCorder ISIO STC. therefore, I was wondering, if I could use a PC together with KODI, to do the job.

The server should allow to do the following:

– Record two TV broadcasts (DVB-C) and stream existing recordings to up to 5 DLNA clients, simultaneously.
– Allow scheduling records via smartphone app.
– Low energy consumption
– Video capabilites are not important, since the server will not be used to watch recordings.

What minimum hardware (processor, memory) requirements would you suggest? What kind of DVB-C card can be used? Or would it just be easier, to buy some ready to use device?

Thanks for you reply.