[SOLVED] Kodi 17 fails to start after upgrade from 16

Have you upgraded from Kodi 16 (Jarvis) to Kodi 17 (Krypton) but when you try to start Kodi after finishing the installation, nothing happens (except maybe the mouse cursor changes for a few seconds)?

This is a common problem, caused by an error upgrading a database, and is easily fixed.

First check if this is the right solution to your problem as follows…

In Windows Explorer, navigate to your kodi data folder (type or copy/paste the path shown below into the address bar).

The location of this folder will be different depending on where you installed Kodi from.

  • If you installed Kodi from the installer downloaded from this website, the folder will usually be found in %APPDATA%\kodi.
  • If you installed Kodi from the Windows Store, it will be %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\XBMCFoundation.Kodi_4n2hpmxwrvr6p\LocalCache\Roaming\Kod​i

Open the file kodi.log (using notepad or similar) and scroll right to the bottom. You should see something like this:

ERROR: SQL: [Addons27.db] SQL error or missing database
                                            Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version

If you do not see this, stop here. You have a different problem that this fix cannot resolve.

If you do see this, then in Windows Explorer, go to the database folder within your kodi data folder (from the previous step).

You should see a file called Addons27.db and its size should be zero bytes.

If so, delete the file.

That’s it. Kodi should now run correctly and proceed to display the splash screen etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE Kodi will recreate a new Addons27.db file when it restarts. If kodi proceeds to load the splash screen, do not delete this file again, even if further problems occur.

If you have done this and encounter further errors, report them in the forum, together with the required debug log etc.