CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings???

Every time I start up an addon i’m working on I get the error below.
I’m not using any skin settings at all in my addon. I have checked and double checked. I use either window properties or addon settings for everything I need a setting for per this post from Ronie which states “rule #1: addons should NOT set skin settings. you can use your own addon settings for that, or use window properties to temporary store data, depending on the usecase”

It happens with any skin that I start my addon from. Could anyone shed light on why else I might be getting this error and if there is anything I can do to suppress it?

17:41:47.853 T:7632  NOTICE: Rockabye: Rockabye version started.
17:41:48.601 T:7632 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings