Problem with skip frames

Hello, i have recently started using kodi to replace an old wd box, but there seems to be a problem regarding refresh rate.

My setup is:
kodi 17.1
win10 pro
6700k + 1070gtx

Since both my tv & projector support it, i do enable adjust display refresh rate.

Pulling up the codecinfo, the skip counter slowly increases and this is seen on the video with a micro stutter, something like less than a second.. Video is 23.976 and display hz as shown by Z key is 23.98…

I have tryed fullscreen, enable/disable hw acceleration… no luck.

After some extensive search, i found that by preventing switch to 23hz (creating a file advancedsettings.xml) and instead force 24hz, the problem is gone.

I read that nvidia over the years has been quite bugged and was not really able to get a perfect 23.976 ouput… is this the case as of today? or is there something i can do to archieve perfect displayed hz?
