LiveTV problems

Hi, I’m using Kodi mostly to see Live TV (after Windows Media Center died, RIP). It is nice software, and I like to use it. But unfortunately, namely LiveTV support has some small but annoying problems.
First of all, here is my config: Windows 10 32bit, Kodi 17.1 desktop (not from Windows Store), DVBLink Server 6.0.0 with TVSource – all actual versions, DVB-S and DVB-C PCI cards. Kodi is started at Windows startup and configured to autostart last TV channel.
1. Very annoying. Both Guide and Channels List hates number 2. If channel number is started with 2, it is very difficult to dial it. When pressing 2 it jumps to 2nd channel in list instead of show dial window. When dial window is active all digits are ok. When dialing number during LiveTV it is usually works correct but sometimes first 2 is also ignored.
2. While looking TV and press Guide button, I expect that current channel is selected in the list, but instead it selects 1st channel. This problem appears when looking autostarted channel. If I stop TV and start again it will work as expected.
3. If I looking TV and started Guide, after pressing Esc I expect to return to TV. Instead it will show home screen and only second Esc will return to TV.
4. If I switched to inactive channel (for example, no signal), Kodi shows wait indicator for a long time. If I press Stop, Kodi completely freezes up to 1 minute.
5. If I configured DVBLink Server and changed channels set, Kodi after restart will show wrong guide for a lot of channels – I need to clear channels list in PVR settings to get correct guide.
6. New problem, introduced with 17th version. Sometimes DVBLink server started slow and is not yet active when Kodi already launched and tries to start PVR client. Earlier, it retried to connect to DVBLink Server until success. Now, it shows error message that PVR client is not started. I need to go Add-ons, turn off and turn on DVBLink Client.

Maybe, there are some config settings to solve some of my problems?