Watched Status Not Updating (NFO or Trakt) in mySQL Database

Hey Guys –

I recently migrated over to using a mySQL database instead of individual DBs. When building it, I set everything up from scratch again. One thing I depend on is Trakt to sync things between different services I use like Plex. Even though I set everything up to import from NFO files plus installed Trakt, nothing is marked as watched. I searched online, but most of what I found wasn’t relevant or really old.

Any suggestions? My advancedsettings.xml is below Thanks!

<recentlyaddeditems>75</recentlyaddeditems> <!– How many items to list in “Recent” category –>
<hideemptyseries>true</hideemptyseries> <!– set to “true” to hide empty series in the video library and prevent empty series from being removed during a library cleanup. –>
<timeseekforward>60</timeseekforward> <!– Skip back time 60 s –>
<timeseekbackward>-15</timeseekbackward> <!– Skip forward time 15 s –>
<subsdelayrange>150</subsdelayrange> <!– Subtitle offset adjustment range –>
<playcountminimumpercent>85</playcountminimumpercent> <!–Minimum percentage that has to be played before it is marked as watched. Set to 101 to never auto-mark items as watched –>
<ignorepercentatend>15</ignorepercentatend> <!– percentage of video to ignore at the end. If you stop watching the video here no resume point is created. Set to 101 to never save a resume point. The video is already marked as watched at 90%, see above. –>
<regexp>[!-._ \\/]rarbg[-._ \\/]</regexp>
<regexp>[!-._ \\/]sample[-._ \\/]</regexp>
<regexp>[!-._ \\/]preview[-._ \\/]</regexp>
<regexp>[!-._ \\/]extras[-._ \\/]</regexp>
<trailermatching> <!– This regexp will match moviename_Trailer.avi –>