Series timer not working since 17.1

EDIT: ugh, never mind.

I’ve not set any PVR series links for a while but when I tried last night I found nothing was happening. I did recently jump onto a nightly build because DVBLogic have said they pushed a new version of their addon which is only in the nightlies. I have also tested with the original 17.1 release though and it’s not working there either. If I roll back to 17.0, it works again.

Here are the logs:

17.0 – Working
17.1 – Not Working
17.1 nightly – Not Working

In each test, I’m trying to add a series link for ‘Masterchef’ on BBC One HD. For 17.0, a timer appeared in the Kodi EPG and the DVBLink web interface. With 17.1 and the latest nightly, no timer icon in the EPG and nothing on the backend. I did try clearing my guide data on each version to no avail.

edit: I just noticed something when doing some cleaning up of series links in the DVBLink web interface – the Kodi 17.1+ addon is actually creating something but it’s not a valid timer rule. So in the list of timers on the backend, there is an entry created for ‘Masterchef’, it says it’s a series timer but it doesn’t actually do anything i.e. it sets no individual timers. Very odd. I’ve created a thread on the DVBLogic forum because I can’t see this being a Kodi issue. I’ve said that before though and it’s turned out to be so that means nothing Big Grin