Window Move/Re-Size Behavior

I am trying to use a hotkey to move/re-size my Kodi window to coexist with other windows and look nice.

In Kodi v16, I was able to use the “Use a fullscreen window rather than true fullscreen” option from Settings > System, and resize the window using the AutoHotkey WinMove example code below.

Example AutoHotkey window resize code:
WinMove, Kodi, , 0, 0, 1280, 720

In Kodi v17, however, this does not work. The AutoHotkey code does not seem to communicate with Kodi when fullscreen or using a fullscreen window. When running specifically in windowed mode it works, but the usual methods of removing the border/caption via AutoHotkey (e.g. WinSet, Style, -C40000, Kodi) do not work.