No filename/path in episode info screen??


I was just trying out Kodi 17 b3 and I noticed that the episode information screen no longer shows the filename/path for that episode’s corresponding video file. This is really problematic at times.

In my setup, everything is automated. An episode is downloaded automatically then sorted into the correct show folder which Kodi scans and builds the library. The problem is that quite often 2 copies of the same episode( PROPER / REPACK ) will download…

Show Name S03E08 .mkv
Show Name S03E08 PROPER .mkv

…and then appear twice in my Library like so…

3×08. Episode Name
3×08. Episode Name
3×07. Other Episode

Now I need to delete one of the copies, I normally keep the PROPER / REPACK, but in Kodi 17 I don’t see how I can tell which file is which since I can’t see the filename in the episode info screen.

Could the filename please be added back to the episode info screen… preferably with line wrapping or faster scrolling text speed than in Kodi 16. Or can we get a dedicated “File Info” screen option under Manage when right clicking on an episode name in the episode list?
