
Hi Forum !

To customize to my own use in Movie sheet, I try to

1/ move the TRAILER (“BANDE-ANNONCE”) button after PLAY (“LIRE”) one (Cf. screenshot below). I manage to do that BUT now, I can not select next button after the youtube one (I have to select previous) … What’s wrong in my DialogVideoInfo.xml (Cf. id=”11″ in http://dl.free.fr/kqTCB8jEL) ?

2/ when TRAILER is active (but not clicked), instead of displaying plot movie, I would like to display a personal field (tag <comment> in videodb.xml that I create from my personnal DataBase : “Ant Movie Catalog” (Cf. http://dl.free.fr/n3uCbW27Z)) into KODI. This videodb.xml has a “<comment>” tag (it could by another word ;o)). I believe that KODI imports new tag as is … So, normally, my info could be Kodi (besides, I do not know how to check it) … How to diplay this personal field insteed plot movie ?

Thanks SO MUCH for your help !

[Image: yWaYtQU.jpg]