Change Header in url works for Curl but not ffmeg.

Hi, I m trying to read a m3u file that need a special UA. So I ‘m passing this url to the player.

Code:|User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us

And It works for the first part, but inside this file there is fragments, and for this one kodi use the header

10:11:20.109 T:1480   DEBUG: ffmpeg[5C8]: [http] User-Agent: Lavf/57.41.100

There is a way to change this header too ?

10:11:19.860 T:1480   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: GET /url/file.m3u HTTP/1.1
10:11:19.860 T:1480   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: Range: bytes=0-
10:11:19.860 T:1480   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0
10:11:19.860 T:1480   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: Accept: */*
10:11:19.860 T:1480   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: Accept-Charset: UTF-8,*;q=0.8
10:11:19.913 T:1480   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

10:11:20.024 T:1480   DEBUG: ffmpeg[5C8]: [hls,applehttp] HLS request for url '/url/file.mp4Frag1Num0', offset 0, playlist 0
10:11:20.109 T:1480   DEBUG: ffmpeg[5C8]: [http] request: GET /url/file.mp4Frag1Num0 HTTP/1.1
10:11:20.109 T:1480   DEBUG: ffmpeg[5C8]: [http] User-Agent: Lavf/57.41.100
10:11:20.109 T:1480   DEBUG: ffmpeg[5C8]: [http] Accept: */*
10:11:20.109 T:1480   DEBUG: ffmpeg[5C8]: [http] Connection: close
10:11:20.109 T:1480   DEBUG: ffmpeg[5C8]: [http] Icy-MetaData: 1

After some research, I have see this a problem with ffmeg and some strange url, but I don’t see what I m doing wrong. I have also tried with encoded url.
I m using Win 7 with V17 RC1, but I think it’s same on other system.