Windows 10 – Webserver failed to Start after waking up


Kodi : 17.1
Windows 10

I got a weird problem, i recently upgraded from Windows 8 to 10 (did a clean install) I am using the same Settings / Tools as before.
Launcher4Kodi quits Kodi, when i send my PC to sleep and starts a new Kodi Session when i resume.

When i wake up the PC, Kodi show a “failed to start webserver” error. If i just close Kodi and restart, the webserver works just fine.
Debug Log shows no error, as far as i can see :

I already switched Ports, but it seems its not the problem, because its working with the same Ports after restarting Kodi. The Problem only occurs when i quit Kodi on sleep and when it resumes afterwards.

One more thing, i want to use Yatse from my mobile phone, the apps works even if i get the error message. I can navigate through Kodi without problems. BUT i cant send any Youtube Videos via Mobile, and thats the main reason
why i want the webserver to work. In Yatse the Server is “offline” but at least navigation works.

Everything worked back then with Windows 8, but i cant find the Problem, any help or hints would be great.