Why so cluttered interface?

I bought a Sony Android TV and tried to setup KODI on it. Though I have played with its TV functionality in the past and I am a software engineer I find it really hard to setup, cluttered and user unfriendly.
There are some design decisions in the app that I really can not understand and would be glad if someone can explain.

Why there are separate Movies, TV Shows and Videos sections? If one wants to have the movies and tv show separate he can just put them in separate folders. This design requires extra effort both from developers (to code) and users(to configure).
It causes even more trouble if you have tv shows and movies in the same folder as you can not set it to be parsed by both artwork plugins.
The Movies section does not list movies that can not be parse from the DB which makes it completely useless for me as I end up using only the Videos section to see all my files.
Please note that most of the times a user can not rename files or he does not want to keep them and waste time organizing file/folder names.

See for example Archos Video Player – they have stolen your idea and have implemented it in a proper way – I mean the parsing and listing of files.
I would be even glad to pay for its PRO version if it played properly and if it supported DTS etc.

I appreciate the effort that you have put in this development, but I believe KODI could be fantastic instead of good if it had movies section as the one of Archos Video Player.

I read many posts regarding this and I see no solution besides renaming folders/files or adding metadata files. If I have missed something please let me know.

Thank you.