Windows 10 can’t connect to Samba Share


I run a predominately Linux/OpenElec based network at home. All my media is stored on a central Linux Server running Samba. Media is shared to the home network using Samba Public shares requiring no passwords. The Kodi databases are stored on a central MySQL server

I have not had any problems with:

  • Kodi on a Linux PC using the Database and playing content on my Samba share
  • Kodi via OpenElec (PC and Raspberry Pi) finding and playing media from the Samba Share
  • Dedicated (blackbox) media players connecting to the Samba share to play media

Recently however, my wife bought a laptop and uses Windows, here is where the problem starts. I installed Kodi and successfully connected to the MySQL Server and as such can see my library. However I cannot connect to the Samba share at all, I’ve tried:

  • Going through Kodi, Kodi states that the share is not available
  • Trying to connect via Windows Explorer, Windows keeps asking for a username/password even though one is not set. Anything that is entered, including null values, results in failed connection attemps
  • Nothing is showing in any Samba logfiles

The relevant portion of smb.conf is

   comment = JayBee.Net Movie Store
   path = /media/Movies
   public = yes
   writable = no
   printable = no
   only guest = yes

What am I doing wrong? Why does Microsoft not want to allow me to access my Samba share?

Thanks in advance
