Writing NFO for manually created shows

I’m using and it’s all fine except one issue.

I have a source that contains TV shows that aren’t in TVDB or IMDB, sports talkback shows that are very local. I have manualyl updated the tvshow.nfo and what not with show details. Created poster, banner and fanart.

When I kick off an update, the new shows are identified which is great, but it doesn’t automagically write the new shows nfo file. I have to manually tell TMM to re-write NFO for the selected episode.

I’ve check through all the settings but can’t see an option to make it do it automagically. I’m pretty sure earlier version of TMM didn’t need the manual push to write the NFOs.

Is this now the expected behaviour of TMM ? If so, is there a command line switch I can use to force the NFO creation for new episodes? The cmd line arguments of -updateTv6 (6 being the source number these shows are in) and -scrapeNew didn’t help.