WOL not working as intended

Hi – I’ve tried my best to solve this by myself, but I’m at a dead end. Any expert help is much appreciated.

I have multiple Kodi devices running the latest v17 Krypton, with a backend media server and a separate “server” that runs Windows 7/WMC/ServerWMC. That second server is exclusively for WMC, nothing else happens on it. It stores recordings locally.

Now, we don’t watch TV as much, so even though in the past I had this WMC server running 24×7, I thought I should set it up for WOL to reduce the energy footprint. We literally fire up the TV part in Kodi may be twice a week. Now, the Kodi devices are NOT powered off at all since they are very low powered to begin with, they are on 24×7. So…

I’ve got the server configured correctly for WOL, got the pvr.wmc plugin configured for WOL, and the plugin wakes up the machine when needed. However….Kodi and/or pvr.wmc plugin keeps sending the WOL command ~every 5 minutes or so. The server will go to sleep, but will keep waking up every 5ish minutes.

Is there a setting I’m missing? Is there a bug in Kodi/pvr.wmc plugin? Something else? I’ve verified that nothing else is waking the server, it’s the Kodi device(s). I’ve disconnected all, and kept only one, and it wakes the server up every 5ish minutes. If I disconnect all Kodi devices, the server will stay asleep.
