Program will not run

I have been
running Kodi vs 14.3 Helix for the last 2 years, on a Dell laptop running OS Windows 8.1. The laptop has an Intel Core 1.7 processor. Over time, I have lost many of the addons I once had, (i.e. Icefilms & others) The only one that seems to be running ok at the moment is Pheonix and even that one is iffy at best. I’ve received many messages telling me I should upgrade, so I decided to do that. I tried downloading Kodi 17.1 today, went through the install process, only to be disappointed by not having Kodi run. The cursor acts up for a few seconds and then nothing. Can anyone tell me what I might have done wrong and what steps I might take to be able to get my Kodi back up and running? Thank you!!