No audio on 7th gen Intel NUC

I have a 7th-gen Intel NUC (NUC7i5BNB), running Fedora 25, with Kodi 17.1 installed from RPMFusion. It is connected to an AV receiver via HDMI. I cannot get any audio from Kodi. I can get stereo audio from a regular command line (cannot at this time get surround sound working though). Kodi is running directly from lightdm, no desktop environment involved.

The only audio device options in Kodi are “Default, Default Output Device (PULSEAUDIO)” and “Built-in Audio Analog Stereo, Headphones (PULSEAUDIO)”. When I select the Default option and then go look at the ~kodi/.config/pulse/*-default-sink, it has selected the alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo device, even though I have put “set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.hdmi-surround71” in /etc/pulse/ I tried changing the ~kodi/.config/pulse/*-default-sink file, but Kodi appears to reselect the analog-stereo device on restart.


kodi.log with debug enabled