Temporary freezes when browsing music library


I’m looking for some help with some responsiveness issues when browsing the music library. When I enter the music library or switch between views (artist, albums, songs etc.), Kodi becomes completely unresponsive for several seconds. The problems appeared with the update to Kodi 17 and persists in 17.1. I even run into this problem using a clean profile directory. There is no problem browsing the movie or series library.

I uploaded a debug log using a clean profile directory (e.g., no library set up but that does not seem to change the behavior). You can see the problem in the following lines:

14:42:57.939 T:140504163797888   DEBUG: OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
14:42:57.939 T:140504163797888   DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10502
14:42:58.299 T:140504163797888   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
14:42:58.311 T:140504163797888   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyMusicNav.xml) ------
14:42:58.311 T:140504163797888    INFO: Loading skin file: MyMusicNav.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
14:42:58.346 T:140504163797888   DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[]: refreshing..
14:42:58.347 T:140502373746432   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 3 times.
14:42:58.347 T:140502373746432   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
14:42:58.350 T:140504163797888   ERROR: Previous line repeats 3 times.
14:42:58.350 T:140504163797888   DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
14:42:58.350 T:140504163797888   DEBUG:   ParentPath = []
14:42:58.353 T:140504163797888   DEBUG: RetrieveMusicInfo() took 0 msec
14:43:28.348 T:140502373746432   DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 140502373746432 terminating (autodelete)
14:43:28.348 T:140502348568320   DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 140502348568320 terminating (autodelete)
14:43:28.348 T:140503468312320   DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 140503468312320 terminating (autodelete)
14:43:32.304 T:140503468312320   DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false

After RetrieveMusicInfo() took 0 msec you can see the freeze of 30 seconds. However, I don’t know how to diagnose the problem further. Any hep would be appreciated!